

Media contacts

Local government
Joanna Mansell
0131 625 1652

Health and central government
Patrick McFall
0131 625 1663

For general media enquiries, contact the communications team at The press office is open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Scottish prison system facing considerable risks

Scotland’s prison system is facing considerable risks, including the poor performance of the company that transports…

NHS Forth Valley needs sustained improvement

NHS Forth Valley has responded well since the Scottish Government took formal oversight of the board’s work. But it is…

Dundee City Council is well-run, with a clear vision to address challenges

Dundee City Council has shown effective leadership, good financial management and engagement with communities as it seeks to…

Clearer plan needed to reform public services

The Scottish Government quickly addressed short-term financial challenges in 2022/23, but reform of the public sector is needed…

South Ayrshire Council slow to improve and transform

South Ayrshire Council

South Ayrshire Council manages its money well and some services are improving, but the pace of change has been too slow. In a…

Public sector reforms must consider workforce impact

A stack of coins

The Scottish Government needs to act quickly to deliver services differently. But it needs to support its workforce to manage…

Scottish Government will not meet infrastructure goals

Scotland’s infrastructure

The Scottish Government no longer expects to have enough money to deliver all its planned £26 billion investment in public…